
Heyy again! Lols I just wanna share to you guys that I grew almost 2.5 cm! Like when I measured my height way back march, it was 142 and now, its 144.5! I’m just grateful! And like they said, when you get thin, you’ll get tall so maybe this is it! ๐Ÿ˜ Have a safe week everyone! ๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ˜Œ


Hey guys! It’s been awhile. LOL! Well, I’m thinking not to do everyday updates because it’s hassle! Doing the same thing everyday (my life is a bit boring now. Lol) So, I will just give updates when I lost weight. I lost 5 lbs and I’m so happy ๐Ÿ˜€ I haven’t reach a week but.. yeah that. Lol. I don’t eat a lot, and sometimes, I eat fruits for dinner and oats for breakfast. I will go to school tomorrow tho. (Hhuhuhuhu) It’s a start of a new school year. Hope I can enjoy it. So that’s all. Bye! 

Day 1

Hello everyone!! I’m Clai, currently weighing 180 lbs. Please, don’t judge me. So, today, I started my weight loss journey. For breakfast, I ate champorado, andย noodles. For lunch, I had sweet and spicy stir-fried chicken which is made by my cousin, we had snack at shakeys. We ordered a ‘deal plan’. It has carbonara, chicken, mojos and pizza. I ate two servings of carbonara, 3 mojos and one slice of pizza. After the meal, we had an ice cream. 2 flavored ice cream with two scoops each. I didn’t have anything at dinner because I’m full. I didn’t exercise today but I surely excreted plenty of sweat when my sister and I decided shopping. Don’t hate me, but half of me hated shopping probably because of too much walking. We also bought a gift for my cousin. That’s all I did today. Help me please, if you have any comments about the food I ate, kindly tell me if it’s too much or just average. I really need a helping hand. Thank you!ย  Ps, in the picture is me.ย ย 

Hello Everyone!!


Hello! Honestly, I can’t think of something to say because probably, no one will read this or by chance, care for this. So hello again, I’m Clai. I’m fourteen and I live in the Philippines. Straight to the point, I’m overweight, chubby, tubby or anything you wanna call me. I’ve been fat for my whole life. And right now, I want to change my body type. I admit it, I’m jealous of those who are thinner than me, who has fast metabolism, who can wear anything she wants. And I want to change my body type badly. I am inspired by many teenagers who succeeded in their journey to weight loss. I want to try it too. And right now, I’m typing this shiz, May 23, 2015; 7:51 pm. I’m asking you please, join me in this journey. Thank you so much for reading my first post. :))